just recieved this email from my friends Chris and Rhiannon who are currently bumming their way around Europe.
yo yo yo!
I'm not sure what emails you've received but here's the last one I sent and
it'll be followed by a recap.
just writing to say hi, and that I saw your site the other day, and you are
low, so I wanted to let you know that I understand what you are on about,
the atoms and the men thing and everything! I get a lot of depression and
it's nice to know that someone else understands what pisses you off when
you're feeling pissed off yourself! One of the larger factors in my
personality, connected with the men thing, is a regret that I was born male,
so I get very pissed off at dirty men...it's quite bad here in Poland there
are strip clubs everywhere...and the red light district in amsterdam is
really depressing after the first walk through, and you feel bad for finding
it amusing the first time.
Anyway, we've just arrived here a few days ago in Poznan, Poland, after a
brief but not brief enough stop in Berlin (DONT EVER GO ON ANY ACCOUNT DONT
DO IT DONT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!). Glad to be out of that country! They are
sooooooooo grumpy and up themselves. Land of Po is good, run down but you
can see that it's pulling itself up now. Polish is a nightmare, they write l
with a dash through it for w, which looks like a t in the lower case, and
they write w instead of v, and it gets worse! This place is 80s land, they
keep playing TAKE ON ME everywhere like it's only just been released, and
everyone loves it! fair enough it's a good song, I suppose!
Not much time but I'll try and call, have a proper chat rather than just
digital vibrations and fizzling light photos......
Take it easy, and chill out and don't get too low, I don't like thinking
about you being low and not being able to call you or anything........we
must have a massive smoke up when I return, before I do anything or go home
or anything, sit down and nice smoke, yeah?
Hope you're ok and hope to speak soon
(and Rhi sends her love)
As the Dutch busdrivers enjoy saying, 'yo!'
Here's the up to date version........All the food in Poland tastes like
fart. There are no youth hostels around at the moment and we've been having
to stay with doddery old biddies, who don't speak ANY english, are aware of
the fact that we don't understand a word of what they're saying, but INSIST
on talking anyway, and it's so confusing.
It's good here besides that, cheap as fuck, just bought two coffees and half
an hour net time for about 50p (if that much). Missing the Netherlands, and
I am going to emigrate there, my Dutch is already not bad, and I've been
reading a book (Schemeringen Van De Dood by Felix Timmermans). This is
seriously serious...thinking maybe I'm gonna do a teaching qualification and
teach music over there or something similar. Had some LUSH mushrooms there!
Really nice. We were camping quite a lot there, coz the campsites are so
nice. One was on a nature reserve and there were loads of wild parakeets (IN
THE NETHERLANDS?) but they were real and very dayglo green! They are really
good at parks there also, there was a wicked part of the reserve with a few
rivers and rafts just left around, so you could jump on a raft and poke
yourself along at about a mile an hour, and smoke yerself silly! All the
attendants there were caining all day, we saw some wicked old OLD people
getting mashed in a few cafes once we got outside the touristy places as
well! Another site was in a massive woods, next to europes biggest national
park, which had free bikes and deer and boar and was just gorgeous! On the
first day we were there I made a bit of an error, though. Touched some
shrooms and didn't wash my hands. Foolish. Terrible. Was puking and shitting
everywhere, Rhi was worried at first I had hypothermia coz I was boiling but
shivering like a diseased spider monkey! All the camp sites there have
hikers cabins too, little wooden huts with a little gas stove and beds and
tables and chairs (after you've been on a DEADLY trip in a tent for weeks
this is appreciated MUCHLY).
What else?! Getting loads of tales for the campfire out here! I've also been
covering my guitar with bits from the places we go, and it's looking quite
good! I'll have to show you.
Oh, I meant to ask if it was ok if we call you before we come home, and pick
up before we have to see anyone or anything? Straightaway.........we've
still got some from Dam, and I found some the other day but I've the feeling
we're gonna be desperate for a smoko......is that OK? I shall return the
favour (how about a nights smoking in the best coffeeshop in Zion City on me
when I move over to Het Nederland?!)
Anyway, I've got to try and find some accomadation for tomorrow night...wish
me luck, I think there might be a total of about 8 hostels in this country
and it's not small.
25 September 2003
The Chris and Rhi travelog
Posted by
Cecil B. Demented
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