30 September 2003

Chris + Rhi travelog Part III

Alright, buddy? How's uni? I hope it's good.

We are still on Polish soil, and getting used to their manners. I think
they've just never heard the phrase 'it's rude to stare' and they don't
have piercings here for some reason - so me + Rhi with my lip and her nose are
getting some awesomly up-front, in the eye, don't-give-a-toss-what-you-think-you-foreigner stares!
We are heading for Aushwitz in a week and then skipping to Slovakia, where we've heard it's
more friendly in general. They just try soooooooo damn hard to be western
here - it's getting depressing! It's like for the last 13 years they have
just been building up their MacDonalds empire and making sure there is
CocaCola in as many places as possible that they have forgotten their
national identity and seem to just be enjoying losing themselves in the
corporate blob as it grows and toughens and grows and dissolves everything
else. Polish is still hard, but we have managed to send our photos for
developing, and are eagerly awaiting them tomorrow---although I'm going to
be stressed to fuck to see pictures of us tokin and trippin while I am
void of communion sacrament and very very sober here, AND CHRISSY DONT LIKE THE
SOBRIETY, NOT ONE BIT.... a spliff right now would make me so happy I think
I'd probably wet myself!!!! But I'm going to try and send the photies home
with Rhi's Mam when she comes out to see us for Xmas, so I'll get my Dad
to scan them in and I'll email you any good ones if you like.

Can't wait for Xmas - the drinks are ALL gonna be on Rhis Mam! We're gonna be in Prague
and staying there until New Year, and she's booked an apartment in the city
centre for us! Oh the luxury! I spent all of last night listening to the
stunning range of frequencies of some guys snoring...and the shaky old
bunk was actually wobbling - I don't mind, I enjoy those bassy booming sounds,
I just don't enjoy riding the scarily shoddy trolleybusses (a well deserved
name) here, especially after not much sleep - it's scary!

Have finally replaced the walkman I decimated in a fit of rage in
Luxembourg and it's so nice to hear tunes on tap again! Oh, and did half an hours
busking yesterday while waiting for a tram - made 3 zloty (pronounced
zwoti, for some reason) which is not even 10p but it bought us a large, tasty
dinner! Anyway, I must go but I await communication with bated breath....I miss
you man, and I hope that you're alright and enjoying uni! Speak soon.


Chris and Rhiannon in Polska