10 September 2003


an inspired title that. Sometimes I even amaze myself.

Okay, so this is me trying to get my groove back. Absence may make the heart grow fonder but in my case it also throws my shit out of whack, dagnammit! My ass was beautiful! I was one with my blog! Now I can't even tell my ass from my elbow... no, wait... Yes I can! Well, that's a relief...

Okay, so, perhaps I should start with some linkage. If you've never read the Misanthropic Bitch then your in for a treat. She rants... well, and she doesn't suffer fools gladly. Actually, I'm not sure she suffers anyone gladly, but having never met her I cannot be sure.

Ever wanted to learn how to be a complete a utter cunt? The Anti-Social Primer can teach you how! Very informative and very funny. Give the world the finger and show it how to spin.

too tired to think of stuff to say about links now, so that's your lot.