06 November 2003

death to the bi-polar reality tunnel....

"The suppression of women's aggresiveness which is prescribed for them constitutionally and imposed on them socially favours the development of powerful maschistic impulses, which succeed, as we know, in binding erotically the destructive trends which have been diverted inwards. Thus masochism, as people say, is truely feminine." - Sigmund Freud

An interesting quote. Freud always gets a bad wrap for what he said about women, but I think he had some insight. I think it's a mistake to view reality through a permenant 'feminist' lens, because you become blind to so much. Helen is viciously feminist, while Jennie is wholeheartedly anti-feminist. Me, I'm somewhere in the middle, and seem to exasperate them both.

Oh Jade. What beatific quotation you inspire in me...