04 October 2004

new blogroll link

I've finally gotten around to adding media underground to my blogroll, and if you haven't already this site is definately one to check out. The guy who runs it, Mortimer, is an intelligent, informed, and cynical walker of his own dark free-thinking path and his misanthropy never fails to tickle my twisted little funny bone.

A word of warning though: some sections of the website require a username and password to access them, which you have to send off for. I've been tempted to post said username and password on here but have chosen not to out of respect for the guy.

(I totally absorbed pretty much everything on this website over a course of a week or so last month and as such wouldn't feel comfortable posting such details against his will, even though I'm dead against forced registration on free sites and all for bugmenot - like I say, it's a respect thing)