04 October 2004

the politrickal media and GWB Vs. JK

I'm re-reading Interface by Stephen Bury (psuedonym for Neal Stephenson and his uncle) which deals with the futurist networked-society concept of a stroke victim governor having a biochip inserted in his head giving him direct emotional-response access to the moods of the voting public. The book also deals with the way the media-circus in the states operates around elections with many funny and cynical insights, so it's funny to read this Guardian analysis of the presidential debate by former senior Democratic party strategist Philip James. It really does show just what an accurate portrayal Interface is of the US political process.

For a more amusing stateside look at the debate, click here.

Also, I encourage you all the check out Interface for yourselves if you want an intelligent, well written and darkly humourous narrative trip through the politrikal pysche of America.