The British Phonogram Institute has started sueing file-sharers, citing a 50% slump in the singles market and also stating that file-sharers spend 30% less than their non-downloading peers. Okay, so a 50% slump in the singles market? I haven't brought a single in years because, well, basically, the single chart is shite, poor value for money, and I'd much rather own the album, so fuck the top 40. As for spending 30% less than more 'scrupulous' people - well, couldn't that be cuz they downloaded a couple of tracks off an album to see if they'd like it and then decided they didn't?
This is my message to the record industry: EVOLVE OR DIE. Is the poor widdle record industry upset because it can no longer define and control the terms by which consumers enjoy and get hold of their music? Awww... Pwoor lickle babies... What ever will they do? What if music lovers decide to get their albums direct from the artists instead of going through a label? Oh no!
That's what you get for repeatedly bombarding the western collective conciousness with shite manufactured bands that are all style and no substance.
08 October 2004
it was only a matter of time...
Posted by
Cecil B. Demented
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